
I met with an amazing friend of mine today. He would not want me to call him amazing in print, so I will leave him anonymous.
The reason I find him amazing is because he knows how to get out of his own way.
He reminds me that something good is always trying to happen in my life.
He reminds me that the only requirement for a good Life is my availability.
The only thing required for good parenting and good teaching is that I be available to listen, to share, to be authentic.
That is what I mean when I say tapping into genius.
To go beyond what I have been told or what I think should be and access what is present.
When I am willing to stand and be vulnerable to the unknowable, I am always rewarded.
The reward might be something exciting, or it might be a simple feeling of gratitude for being alive.
Either way I find contentment and life turns out to be fun again...

Find more wisdom from my anonymous friend at:

The Shift

I am currently reading The Shift, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
Another dose of Dyer wisdom based upon his movie by the same name.
The Shift is creatively divided into chapters which coincide with each of the words in the original title of his movie, From Ambition To Meaning.
"The shift to Meaning eliminates our feelings of seperateness, and illuminates our spiritual connectedness." (Pg. 58, The Shift by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)
The energy that this sentence rides on has informed much of my approach to parenting and education.
As I recognize that my experience of life is an inseparable union between who I am and what I am experiencing I connect with what I call genius.
Tapping into genius requires releasing all preconceived ideas about what is happening and listening for the unique lessons inherent in each experience.
When I carry this way of being into my interactions with children, I am able to access a deeper sense of wholeness.
Ahhh, here is a perfect chance to practice:
I acknowledge that the frustration I am now experiencing was already present before my son and his friend started begging me to chase them as I attempt to complete this entry.  I now gain insight into the nature of my frustration, and have more compassion for my son, his friend, and myself.
Let's see if I can tap into the genius of this moment and go chase my son and his friend.

The Shift, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, is published by Hayhouse, and can be purchased online at:  http://www.hayhouse.com/details.php?id=4672http://www.hayhouse.com/details.php?id=4672

Practicing Creativity

I read an amazing article today regarding practicing creativity written by Louise Stevens, leading consultant and researcher in the arts and cultural industry, for ArtsMarket, Inc.
In the article she describes the necessity of practicing creativity in support of our well-being and success.
I find that I am either acting from a place of creativity or a place of fear.
I am choosing more and more to act from the space of creativity.
Love fuels creativity.
Creativity generates new windows of understanding for that which no longer fits in our old frames of reference.
I was touched by the following words from Ms. Stevens:
"New thinking must breathe fresh enthusiasm into our entire arts and cultural system. So it is more important now than perhaps in decades for everyone in the field to remember to be a creator, to exercise those creative capacities."
Tapping into Genius is about practicing creativity by opening up to what is present and generating fresh, collaborative ideas that inspire and empower everyone involved.

 The entire article and more writing from Louise Stevens may be viewed at:

Love is Coming Through...

I seriously considered running out the front door of the school. Instead I returned to the meeting room and acknowledged that the parents and student were, in all likelihood, not coming.
Everyone scurried off to their next meeting.
I had not confirmed that the key people for the meeting would be in attendance.
I worried what my colleagues would think of me for my oversight, I feared that I might lose my job.
Then I checked in with my inner guidance.
I realized that I have been living and dying, in my mind, by the good opinion of others for as long as I can remember.
I then realized that I am tenured and that I have a lot of things on my plate right now.
I recognize that I have rights and that I am worthy of love.
Then the genius spoke through me,
"Love does not come from people, it comes through people."
Whether I am are aware of it or not, love is coming to me and through me.
Love does not come from opinions or ideas.
Love is an everpresent reality that just is.
I choose to receive that love, even if I forgot to confirm that some folks would be at a meeting.
I choose to give that love, even if everyone else had to come to the meeting room for no apparent reason.
I learned something today by tapping into the genius of a moment that provoked a great fear in me. 
The Truth is that no fear is great, only Love is great, for only love endures.
In truth, even the fear was a teacher, leading me to a belief that no longer served me.
For that I am grateful.

3 Loving Intentions...

Here are three intentions that help me to tap into the genius of unconditional love when I engage with children:
1.  I am willing to learn something new:  What is comfortable does not always equate to what is loving.  After a lifetime, or more, of practicing being in control, it is not always comfortable to let go of control and let love guide my steps.
2.  I am willing to be the only person in my life who agrees with my decisions, and that is okay:  I am the only one who knows what is loving for me.  I am willing to stand alone, at least in the beginning, when what I know goes against the commonly held beliefs of our time.  I prefer this to going against my own knowing to fit in with what I perceive in others.
3.  I know that the Universe supports me in seen and unseen ways when I choose in favor of Love:  All the great teachers that I have studied somehow realized, and trusted, that an energy greater than themselves would guide and support them when they took action in favor of love.  I do my best to be in their good company.
These three intentions, when considered, facilitate the enthusiasm, access to insight, and courage that it takes to tap into the genius of Love with the children that I meet.

3 Questions to Consider When Feeling Stuck With Children...

I like to ask these three questions when interacting with a child,  especially when we are not seeing eye to eye:

1.  What does the child really want?
2.  What do I want?
3.  What other demands are being placed on me or the child from outside influences?  (peers, school, other parents, etc.)

#1 is simple (though not always easy).  I ask the child what he or she wants.  This can sometimes require reading between the lines.  Openly listening to a child can go a long way.  I do my best to enjoy their idea.  This does not require that I to commit to it.

#2 is simple (though not always easy).  I ask my Self what I really want.  This can be challenging at times.  I am often surprised by what comes forward when I do this.  Remember, I ask myself what I really want to do, not what I think I have to do.

#3 is simple (though not always easy).  I honor the external influences that I am feeling.  This might include what the other parents would think of me, what my son's school might think about me, or what I think a "good parent" might do.  None of these are necessarily connected to the reality of this moment.  Finally, I go for what feels good, and whenever possible, what is fun.  This is the key.

When I take the time to ask and sincerely listen to the answers to these three questions, I am in a much more informed place to move forward.  It is a way to over-ride the knee jerk reactions I might have toward the children in my Life and gives me an opportunity to tap into the genius of each moment.

Welcome Educators...

My intention in creating this blog is to create a forum, an avenue, a meeting hall, for educators to meet, discuss, and most importantly, share inspiration regarding education. I have come to see that my role as an educator is to facilitate the process of tapping into the genius that already exists within my students and, in turn, learn more about tapping into my own creative genius. My experience within the public school system has provided me with evidence that this central tenet of education has been lost and replaced by the rule of instruction, or telling people how to do things. I am not the first to recognize this, and I am constantly learning about others who are walking, and have already walked, this path along with me.
So, to all educators I say, "Welcome home...".
Stay a while. We are all in this together.