
I met with an amazing friend of mine today. He would not want me to call him amazing in print, so I will leave him anonymous.
The reason I find him amazing is because he knows how to get out of his own way.
He reminds me that something good is always trying to happen in my life.
He reminds me that the only requirement for a good Life is my availability.
The only thing required for good parenting and good teaching is that I be available to listen, to share, to be authentic.
That is what I mean when I say tapping into genius.
To go beyond what I have been told or what I think should be and access what is present.
When I am willing to stand and be vulnerable to the unknowable, I am always rewarded.
The reward might be something exciting, or it might be a simple feeling of gratitude for being alive.
Either way I find contentment and life turns out to be fun again...

Find more wisdom from my anonymous friend at:

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